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Splash Multiactivity (7-10 years)

Try out all of our watersports in one week! Get out sailing, windsurfing, kayaking and paddle boarding. These courses are run over either 3 or 5 full days.

See booking options below

Multi activity splash

Multi Activity (7-10yrs): Splash (3-day course)

3 day activity week from 0930 to 1630. Action packed with sailing, kayaking, stand up paddleboarding, treasure hunts and games

Time permitting, an expedition may be arranged to seek out the sea badger......


Multi activity splash

Multi Activity (7-10yrs): Splash (5-Day course)

Action packed with sailing, kayaking, SUPing, treasure hunts and games to build water confidence. Time permitting, an expedition may be arranged to seek out the sea badger!
