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Like most websites we uses cookies. In order to deliver a personalised, responsive service and to improve the site, we remember and store information about how you use it. This is done using simple text files called cookies which sit on your computer. These cookies are completely safe and secure and will never contain any sensitive information. They are used only by us. The information you provide will be used solely for dealing with you for your activities at Queen Mary Sailing Club. The club has a data privacy policy which can be found at your data will be stored and used in accordance with this policy'.


Welcome to the events and activities page for Windsurfing at Queen Mary, to find out more and sign up please follow the text links. 





One to One is a great way to learn, refresh and develop your skills in windsurfing. Its just you and the instructor working together on the water to achieve your goals, here are a few:

  • You want to start Windsurfing, and prefer one to one tuition.
  • You've been off the water for a number of years and want a boost to refresh your skills.
  • Your a windsurfer who wants to Start Foiling and take flight at QMSC.

Click here for availability

For information on any of the above please contact us by email on


QM Windsurfing Logo
Windsurfing product

Simon Winkley - Windsurf Coaching

Join Windsurfing coach Simon Winkley for 1 or 2 days of bespoke intermediate/advanced skills coaching.

Gain a deeper understanding of how skills link together and take your game forwards.

Planing/ non-planing skills covered according to the wind. £45/£65 member/non member.

Sunday 1st September - FREERIDE SKILLS: Planing, harness, footstraps, blasting control, tacking, gybing, waterstarts, backwinded moves, any variations.

Limited Spaces


Windsurfing product2

Simon Winkley - Windsurf Coaching (Non-Members Booking)

Join Windsurfing coach Simon Winkley for 1 or 2 days of bespoke intermediate/advanced skills coaching.

Gain a deeper understanding of how skills link together and take your game forwards.

Planing/ non-planing skills covered according to the wind. £45/£65 member/non member.

 Sunday 1st September (Sundays) - FREERIDE SKILLS: Planing, harness, footstraps, blasting control, tacking, gybing, waterstarts, backwinded moves, any variations.

Limited Spaces
