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How to join Queen Mary

Membership of the Club is open to all and members are not required to do any duties as the Club is run by professional staff... sounds good to me!

There are plenty of opportunities to help with the running of the Club through volunteering to help on a regular basis with Race Management, Youth Group, Sailability and the Club's Council. There are also one-off opportunities to help with big events such as the Bloody Mary which takes place at the beginning of January each year. 

Five ways to join...

Standard Membership the traditional boat or windsurf owner membership. Covers the use of all shore and water facilities by a family or an individual. The membership year starts 1st April and there is now an option to pay by monthly instalments with a rolling contract. All with No Joining Fee and No club duties required.

QM Select is a Gym style monthly membership with fantastic package enabling you to sail dinghies and/or go windsurfing. Using the clubs extensive range of kit whenever the club is open. For those new to sailing there is a package to include tuition, our hire only option is for those Level 2 or equivalent experience, hassle free sailing is the life!

Youth Select making youth sailing affordable without the need to buy any kit. Youth Select gives to access to sailing over fifty boats across seven different classes! It includes all weekend activities from Youth Group to race Squad and team 15 for Windsurfing. Open for those with RYA stage 3, age 8 to 15.

Day Membership suits those who have their own kit which they may store at home but want the flexibility of being able to come up to the Club and use the facilities on an occasional basis

Boat and Board Hire Experienced sailors are invited to turn up and can hire our kit. So you could be Sailing or Windsurfing or SUP at Queen Mary sooner than you expected! Terms and conditions apply and sailing is at the discretion of the safety team.


To find out more about Membership email or call 01784 248881


All (Standard) club members shall have adequate third party liability cover, at least £3M.

RYA Membership

Queen Mary Sailing Club is affiliated to the RYA, the National Governing Body for Sailing and Windsurfing. Follow the link to find out more about what RYA Membership could mean to you RYA LINK

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