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Welcome to the Powerboat Booking Page - simply click on the course and follow the booking steps. 

Booking Discounts:

  • Early Bird Three Months in Advance - SAVE 10%
  • Group Booking of 2 or more - SAVE 10%
  • Members Automatic Maximum Saving - SAVE 20%

BESPOKE BOOKING - If you can not find dates that work for you... please call us and will do everything to make it happen!

For more information give us a call on 01784 248881. 


Powerboat Safety

RYA Powerboat Level 2

The course, led by an RYA Powerboat Instructor, will be taught on a maximum Instructor:Student ratio of 1:3, giving you plenty of time at the helm to practice and improve your powerboat driving skills and techniques.

Age: 16+

Prior experience needed: None!

More Information Book Now
RYA Powerboat L2

RYA Safety Boat

The course, led by an RYA Safety Boat Instructor, introduces a range of safety and rescue techniques to support and rescue dinghies, windsurfers and other water users.

Age: 16+

Prior experience needed: RYA Powerboat Level 2 + 1/2 seasons experience

More Information Book Now
Powerboat Instructor

RYA Powerboat Instructor

4 day course including skills assessment on day 1

Qualified to teach - Up to and including Powerboat Level 2 under the supervision of the Principal or Chief Instructor. If you hold the Safety Boat Certificate, you may also teach the RYA Safety Boat Course.

Minimum age 16
