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Women on Water

Are you a woman looking to get into sailing or already taking part?

Fancy getting on the water in a friendly safe environment with likeminded women and a female instructor?

This is for you!

QMSC is looking to take women's sailing forward and drive an increase in women's membership. With less than 20% of current members at QMSC being women, this is an important goal the RYA share with us. While programmes for women exist higher up the ability level such as the Magenta Project. QMSC is looking to increase the number of women learning how to sail and sticking with the sport.

Women's Courses & Training

All Courses are bookable at the bottom of the page.

Women's Keelboating Day

With these successful days entering their third year, they are ever popular! Come and get sailing with a group of like minded women supported by female instructors.Open to all abilities, beginner to advanced. Book at the bottom of the page.

Women's Keelboat Racing Day!

Get out on the water for a day of race training with like minded women. The morning will be spent on race training exercises with an afternoon race series to get competitive.A great opportunity to develop as a women's racing team.

Access to Women's kit

QMSC is aiming to improve the access to women's kit, by introducing the following:

  • Women's wetsuit section
  • Women's salopettes in many sizes.
  • Good spray tops available to cover your wetsuit.
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Women's Keelboat Racing

Come and get our racing in our six RS21's with a group of like minded women. Aimed at women with a minimum of RYA Keelboat L2 or experienced dinghy racers. The morning will consist of race training exercises with a race series in the afternoon. Prizes to be awarded!


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Women's RS21 Keelboating Day

Come along and get sailing in an RS21 with like-minded women. This course is suitable for all abilities from beginner to advanced. Get involved now and feel free to invite your female friends or family! Supported by female instructors.


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Women's Christmas Keelboating

 After our very successful Women's Keelboating Day, here's the opportunity to touch base at Christmas time with us all. A half day of keel boating to celebrate the festive season - christmas hats compulsory! A great day open to all abilities for women supported by female instructors. We hope to see you all soon!


ILCA Womens Coaching V3

ILCA Women's Coaching Day

A Women's ILCA coaching day open to members and visiting sailors. 

Join the ILCA coaching team for a coaching day catering for all women ILCA sailors: new to ILCAs, new to racing and experienced club racers!

Participants are welcome to join us for Club Racing on Sunday with no additional charge.

This is the online booking for coaching on Saturday 8th March at Queen Mary Sailing Club.
