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Like most websites we uses cookies. In order to deliver a personalised, responsive service and to improve the site, we remember and store information about how you use it. This is done using simple text files called cookies which sit on your computer. These cookies are completely safe and secure and will never contain any sensitive information. They are used only by us. The information you provide will be used solely for dealing with you for your activities at Queen Mary Sailing Club. The club has a data privacy policy which can be found at your data will be stored and used in accordance with this policy'.

Open Racing Events

Welcome to Queen Mary Sailing Club. We host a wide range of Open Racing Events at QMSC. The Calendar of planned events and the NOR and SIs for upcoming events can be found below. If you are looking to arrange an Open Racing event at QMSC, please email


All visiting boats shall have third party liability cover of at least £3m which includes racing.

Safety Briefing

Before heading out on the water for the first time, please read this important safety briefing.  

Bart's Bash Keelboat Cup

Bart's Bash Keelboat Cup will be held on Saturday 14th September and is open to all members and non-members. The keelboat cup will consist of four back to back races, with 3 to count. 

To sign on to participate in the cup, please click on the link to book a space. Please ensure you have read the Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions.


  • Saturday 6th January GJW Direct Bloody Mary Results
  • Saturday 3rd & Sunday 4th February ILCA Youth Winter Trophy Results
  • Saturday 16th & Sunday 17th March RS Spring Championships Results
  • Monday 1st April RNLI 200th Anniversary Easter Open Pursuit Race Results
  • Saturday 13th April Noble Marine Queen Mary Sprints (Moths) Results
  • Friday 3rd, 10th, 17th & 24th May Friday Keelboat Spring Series Results
  • Saturday 11th May London Windsurfing Association (LWA) Summer Series Event Results
  • Saturday 18th May Hadron H2 Inland Championships Results
  • Monday 27th May Spring Bank Holiday Honeypot Open Pursuit Race Results
  • Sunday 23rd June Queen Mary Junior Open Results
  • Sunday 30th June ILCA Thames Valley Results
  • Saturday 7th September Regional Windsurf League Inter-Club Results
  • Saturday 14th September Bart's Bash Keelboat Cup Results
  • Saturday 16th November London Windsurfing Association (LWA) Icebreaker Results 

Parental Declaration Form for Helm/Crew under 18 years of age (Download). A signed copy needs to be handed in to Race Entry Desk upon registration for any helm or crew under 18 years of age. * Some events have incorporated this declaration in their online booking process - follow the guidance when booking and only submit paper copies if not included in booking process.