Saturday Club
- Fleet Captain David Bithell
- Email to join the group emails
Saturday Club is a social sailing meet up for Select and Standard Members of the Club who just want to go sailing. Competitive racing is not at the top of the agenda but having fun, learning, meeting people and making great friendships most definitely is!
Are you a Standard or Select Member:
- Wanting to learn by spending time on the water in company with experienced sailors?
- Looking for a crew, or a crew looking to sail?
- Needing assistance with maintenance, rigging or launching?
- Seeking a bit of friendly racing?
- Looking for help and hints to sail in stronger winds?
If so Saturday Club is for you!
Saturday Club is a key part of the Sailing Pathway at Queen Mary. Saturday Club will complement and extend the skills learnt on formal training courses and you will gain further sailing experience in a supportive environment. Get some tips to improve your single hander sailing, or extend your skills on double hander dinghies and multihulls by sailing with experienced Saturday Club Members.
We meet weekly in the summer and at least once a month throughout the winter at 09.30am in the Clubhouse for a briefing followed by a morning of sailing and optional lunch afterwards. The dates can be found on the home page calendar
Saturday Club members also organise an annual sailing trip to Weymouth for some sea sailing and one to an overseas sailing centre for some sunshine sailing!
To join just give your email to the office (, asking to be added to the mailing list for a weekly update on our activities.
There is also a WhatsApp group which provides further up to date information on Saturday Club activities and allows you to arrange your own sailing with other Saturday Club members. Again, ask the office if you want to join.
For the very best of fun in a relaxed atmosphere, don’t delay, join the mailing list now and come along any Saturday you can.
Saturday Club Guides
- Strong Wind Single Hander Sailing: A guide for the cautious sailor who wants to go fast
- Details on Member Organised Trip for 2024