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Winter Training 2022/23

This winter all of our youth training is included in the Youth select membership. Please note, all children taking part in winter activities must own a dry suit/5mm wetsuit, waterproof, neoprene boots (that cover your ankles) and gloves. If you would like any advice on this clothing please do call the office.

Please click below for sailing or windsurfing activities:

Youth Group Topper 2

Ospreys (Start Racing)

Learn to race - A term to help you learn the basics and gain confidence in getting on the start line and enjoying racing. Learn all the techniques needed to start a race and get around the course. Meet like-minded racers and try out various racing boats such as Topper and RS Feva. Join as a Select member to get it for free! Runs on Sunday mornings.

Age: 9-15 years old

Prior experience needed: RYA Stage 3

More Information Book Now

Adult LCat

Youth Group Goes ....!!

Our Youth Group Goes ..... Series this winter will allow you to get out and try all different types of sailing and racing. Our aim is for the following: 13/11/22: Spinnaker Sailing, 04/12/22: Catamaran Sailing, 28/01/23: Team Racing, 26/03/23: Keelboating. The activities may change date depending on weather conditions so please be prepared for this. Come and get involved with all of our youth members trying out these great forms of sailing!

Age: 9-16

Prior experience needed: RYA Stage 3 + Winter clothing (5mm wetsuit/drysuit)

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the topper banner

QM Race Squad (Intermediate Racing)

Have you been enjoying ospreys and ready to progress? Join QM's Race Squad! Meeting once every four weeks, this squad will give you extensive race training experience as well as meeting like-minded people. Please come with a boat in mind you would like to use: Topper, Tera, RS Feva or Laser. Squad jackets, monthly socials and event support available. Runs over 1 full sunday every 4 weeks. Please contact the office to discuss suitability for this squad. Join as a Select member to get it for free!

Age: 9-16

Prior experience needed: Racing experience through club racing or Ospreys and approval by QM Staff

More Information Book Now

Laser fleet page

Club Race Introductory Training

Are you part of the QM Race Squad? If so attend our club race introductory training once every 4 weeks, offset from the squad timings. Receive a briefing prior to club race, race and then receive a debrief afterwards. Meet at 09:30 for your briefing prior to club race. Join as a member to get it for free!

Age: 9-16

Prior experience needed: Prior Race Experience and/or member of QM Race Squad.

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Adult Wfoil

Hi-Fliers: Youth Windfoiling

The aim of these sessions is to get young windsurfers FOILING.  Aimed at those planing and comfortably in the footstraps (RYA Stage 4); whether you are going for your first flights, or you’re looking for some more specific coaching. If you are unsure about your suitability for this course please do get in touch. Included for youth select members.


Youth Group Team 15

Team 15

Regular participation and racing for QM Members with RYA Stage 2 Improve, socialise and have fun!

Ages 9-15

Included for Youth Select members.


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Windsurf Race Squad

Get out and try your hand at racing. A New opportunity for winter 2023! Build on your current windsurf skills with some excellent tuition on how to get around a race course. You msut have approval from the Chief Windsurf Instructor to join this squad (Email




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Youth Blasting Clinic

Are you half way through RYA Stage 4 and just need to finish off footstraps? This is the clinic for you. We will rearrange as neccessary to ensure a good wind strength. Come and get out planing in the footstraps under the guidance of one of our instructors.
