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Welcome to Bart’s Bash at Queen Mary

The Largest Sailing Race in the World.

This year taking place at Queen Mary on 14th & 15th September 2024 

Bart’s Bash is a global sailing event raising funds for the Andrew Simpson Foundation and verified by Guinness World Records as ‘The Largest Sailing Race in the World’. Bart’s Bash is the day when we especially remember and race in memory of Andrew ‘Bart’ Simpson, the double Olympic medallist who tragically lost his life whilst training for the Americas Cup in 2013. Since its launch in 2014 more than 1000 venues, 70,000 sailors across 60 countries have participated, be part of it this year at Queen Mary.

Make a Donation

Find out more and Sign Up at and the Andrew Simpson Foundation

Notice of Race can be viewed via this link.

How to take part

Here is how you can participate in the world’s largest sailing event at Queen Mary.

QMSC's Global results will be processed in the week after Bart's Bash.

Bart's Bash is the flagship fundraising race for the Andrew Simpson Foundation, connecting sailing communities across the globe.

Thank you for reading. #sailonbart