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Queen Mary Junior Open

2024 Date announced - Sunday 23rd June!!

A great opportunity for junior sailors from any club to come and take part in a friendly open meeting. Open to all sailors with RYA Stage 3 or equivalent experience to get out racing. Coaches will be on the water and will provide some on water coaching as well as a debrief at the end of the day.

  • Topper 4.2 and 5.3
  • RS Tera Sport and Pro
  • ILCA 4
  • RS Feva XL

Registration will begin at 09:00, under the clubhouse on the waterfront. Entries should be completed online up until 5PM the day before.

The Race Briefing will take place at 09:45, under the shelter in front of the clubhouse; This is when we will explain everything about how the racing will run; starts; courses and finishes.

The full NOR and SI's are available here

We plan to run 4 races, with the warning signal sequence starting at 10:40. The aim is for 2 races, then an on-shore break for approximately one hour to allow competitors to have a quick lunch and a comfort break, followed by a further 2 races (weather conditions permitting).  

Prizes will be awarded to the first three boats in each fleet.

Everything will be explained in the briefing, but you may find this information helpful!


Making the most of your day at Queen Mary Sailing Club:


      • To enter and exit the main gates, press the intercom button on the lower keypad, await instructions and enter / exit on the green traffic light - on NO account 'tailgate'. The gate access code for the event will be issued upon registration.
      • Do drop your boat off in the boat park which will be accessible from 08:30; then move car down to the Lower Car Park – please be aware that we have a single track roadway, so please be considerate to others, particularly if they are towing a boat and you are not!
      • Come up the steps at the far end of the car park and you will find the Clubhouse at the top
      • Do leave your dog at home – Thames Water bye-laws stipulate that no dogs are allowed on-site
      • Do make a note of our entry/exit code for the event so you can leave the site without needing to buzz us on the intercom. There will be signs around the Clubhouse!
      • When you register, do make sure that the sail number visible on your sail is the one you use on registration - to help our Race Management Team ensure all results are correctly allocated to competitors!  Don't forget to let us know if you are sailing a Topper or RS Tera, which one ...
      • Do feel free to enjoy the view from the Clubhouse and all the facilities – our caterers will be open throughout the day
      • Please be aware that it is not possible to walk around the reservoir, so leave the gates shut and stay within the sailing club's grounds
      • QM Team Staff will be happy to help – just look out for those with uniform and radios
      • Anyone helping with launching and recovery (on pontoons or sloping banks) MUST wear a buoyancy aid – no one else is permitted on pontoons or the banks
      • Do look after your own/your competitors’ valuables
      • To make leaving the club later in the day easier, we recommend you moving trailers down once the first race is underway, then at the end of racing, walk your boat down and sort everything out in the Lower Car Park – this avoids congestion and speeds up the process of leaving after prize-giving


Need to hire a boat for the event? Please call the Office on 01784 248881. 



Youth Group Topper 2

Queen Mary Junior Open - Non-Member Entry - Topper/Tera

Get involved with Queen Mary's Junior Open on Sunday 23rd June. A great opportunity to get onto the race course. This booking is for non-members, planning to sail a Topper 5.3/4.2 or an RS Tera Sport/Pro. Please inform registration on the day your boat/sail choice and sail number. Please note, this does not include boat hire.


Youth Group Feva2

Queen Mary Junior Open - Non-member Entry - RS Feva XL

Get involved with Queen Mary's Junior Open on Sunday 23rd June. A great opportunity to get onto the race course. This booking is for non-members planning to sail an RS Feva XL. Please note this does not include boat hire.


ILCA Coaching Image

Queen Mary Junior Open - Non-member Entry - ILCA 4

Get involved with Queen Mary's Junior Open on Sunday 23rd June. A great opportunity to get onto the race course. This booking is for non-members planning to sail an ILCA 4. Please note this doesn't include boat hire.



Queen Mary Junior Open - Member Entry - ILCA 4

Get involved with Queen Mary's Junior Open on Sunday 23rd June. A great opportunity to get onto the race course. This booking is for QMSC Members Only planning to sail an ILCA 4.


07 20150927 1969 July

Queen Mary Junior Open - Member Entry - RS Feva XL

Get involved with Queen Mary's Junior Open on Sunday 23rd June. A great opportunity to get onto the race course. This booking is for QMSC Members Only planning to sail an RS Feva XL.


the topper banner

Queen Mary Junior Open - Member Entry - Topper/Tera

Get involved with Queen Mary's Junior Open on Sunday 23rd June. A great opportunity to get onto the race course. This booking is for QMSC Members Only planning to sail a Topper 5.3 or 4.2 or an RS Tera Sport/Pro. Please let registration know on the day the boat, sail size you plan to use and your sail number. 


Youth Group Laser 2

Select - Laser

To book a laser, you should have previous experience of sailing a laser. Alternatively, please book onto 'Laser Coaching', 'RYA Start Racing' or a personal tuition session to gain experience in a laser with an instructor first.


Youth Group Feva3

Youth Select - RS Feva


Youth Group Terra

Youth Select - RS Tera


Youth Group Topper 2

Youth Select - Topper
