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Please scroll down to see all courses. For more information give us a call on 01784 248881. If you can't find any suitable dates, then give us a call and we will aim to arrange something specific just for you.

Covid Specific Information

No showers or changing facilities are available at QM at the moment, due to Government restrictions. So we suggest to bring a towel or our personal favourite: a dry robe. Like a dressing gown made of towel material to wear while getting dressed.

You will need to buzz at the gate to gain access. Park at the lower car park and follow signage on site.

The meeting point will be at the front waterside by the stairs up to the clubhouse. Your instructor will meet you here. We have made a temporary outdoor shelter, in-case of bad weather.

Please watch the below safety briefing video:

The COVID-19 preventative measures are vital to protecting health and wellbeing and to minimising pressure on the frontline services. We all have a role to play in adhering to the Government guidelines.

Are you fit to visit? Please do not attend QMSC if you, or anyone in your household, are feeling unwell or experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19.

Adult W1

RYA Start Windsurfing

The Start Windsurfing course focuses on the RYA Start Windsurfing syllabus from the National Windsurfing Scheme. The course assumes no prior experience of windsurfing. At the end of the weekend you should have an understanding of rigging and launching your kit, sailing upwind, downwind and across the wind, steering, tacking and gybing.

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Adult W4

RYA Intermediate Windsurfing

Learn the RYA Fastfwd formula to enable a smooth progression towards planing. Non-planing candidates focus on stance, control, tacking, harness work and kit setup. Planing candidates also focus on footstraps and blasting control.

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Adult W5

RYA Beachstart and Gybe Clinics

Two RYA clinics have been rolled into one session. Learn how to beachstart to leave the shore in style, and develop your skills with the non-planing gybe.

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Adult W7

RYA Advanced Windsurfing

Dynamic transitions, advanced planing techniques and waterstarts. Carve gybing and other advanced skills such as advanced carving and bump and jump may be taught as part of the course.

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Adult Wfoil

RYA Windfoiling: First Flights

TRY WINDFOILING! This is our second year as a windfoiling centre, and the hype is still building! A place on this course requires that you have windsurfed recently and are fully competent planing in the footstraps and harness. You will first be introduced to the art of foiling in a shorebased environment, and then take your skills to the water for your first flight! We are now also offering Sustained flights and foiling coaching - contact us for more info!

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Adult Wclinic

Group Windsurfing Coaching

Every other Saturday morning 1000 to 1230. Our group coaching takes your Start Windsurfing Skills up a notch. Try a new board or brush off the cobwebs.

The intermediate group coaching is for that gap between beginner and intermediate. Or to practice before taking the Intermediate course.


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Adult Wadclin

Intermediate Clinics

Aimed at those who have completed the Intermediate Non-Planing level. Session aims are interchangeable depending on weather & non-certified. Half a day of Intermediate windsurf coaching with a focus on a particular skill.

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Adult W6

Advanced Clinics

Aimed at those who have completed the Intermediate Planing level. Session aims are interchangeable depending on weather and are non-certified. Half a day of Advanced windsurf coaching with a focus on a particular skill.

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