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Group Sail Coaching

Tell the instructor what you would like to focus on - this session is ideal if you want to brush off the cobwebs, try a new dinghy under supervision, get into a doublehander for the first time, social distancing allowing, or work on a skill or manoeuvre that you've been struggling to grasp. Suitable for those who have just passed Level 2 and would like some assistance before going afloat alone for the first time.

All of our courses are taught by RYA qualified instructors in groups with a maximum ratio of 6 students to each instructor. Teaching takes place on the water and in the classroom and we move between the two depending on the group, the weather conditions and the requirements of the curriculum.

Please Note: Only Qubas and Picos are available for this session.

Outgrown group sail coaching?

Click here for Laser Coaching

Suitable for sailors who have attended group sail coaching but would like to progress to sailing lasers.

Adult Lgroup

Group Sail Coaching

If you're looking for instructor support to take your Level 2 skills up a notch or brush off the cobwebs, then this is for you. Expect a mix of abilities and focuses during the session. This booking does include the hire of club boats. Boats available include RS Quba and Pico. If you wish to use a laser please book onto intermediate group coaching or laser training (in winter).
