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Terms & Conditions

Booking Administration

  1. The full course, event or tuition fee is payable at the time of booking.
  2. A minimum of three participants is required for courses to be run (with the exception of Group Sail Coaching and Group Windsurf Coaching which have no minimum participants). Courses not achieving this size may be rescheduled.
  3. In the event of unsuitable weather the affected part of the course may be rescheduled.
  4. All cancellations and transfers are subject to a £15 admin fee.
  5. All cancellations and transfers require 14 days' notice prior to the course start date. This applies to all courses with exception of Instructor courses, see point 6.
  6. Cancellations and transfers of Instructor courses and Instructor Endorsements require 2 month notice prior to the course start date.
  7. Refund are requested in writing to the Admin Manager via email to
  8. In the event that a course participant, through illness or otherwise, misses the start of (or any other part of) the course, Queen Mary Sailing Club are under no obligation to offer completion of the course or any refund or to transfer the booking.
  9. Queen Mary Sailing Club reserves the right to vary course details, dates and prices without prior notice.
Participation – Statement of Risk 
  1. Sailing, windsurfing and all other outdoor activities offered by QMSC carry an inherent element of risk. QMSC manages these risks through Standard Operating Procedures and Risk Assessments.
  2. The main Club Risk Assessment is available to view on the club website. Any queries relating to health & safety should be sent by email to
  3. A ‘Health and Water-confidence Declaration’ must be completed prior to the start of the course, unless one has been completed within the current calendar year and with no changes to personal health details withing that year.
  4. Personal insurance is the responsibility of the course participant. Course participants are advised to take out personal insurance for any courses to cover the event of missing the course, cancellation, curtailment, personal injury, accident, damage to (or loss of) personal equipment or any other reason either caused by the course participant or beyond their control.
  5. Course participants using their own equipment do so at their own risk and Queen Mary Sailing Club will accept no liability for damage or loss howsoever caused and must have suitable insurance cover and minimum buoyancy
Temporary Membership 

  1. All participants, visiting competitors and their guests shall be temporary members of Queen Mary Sailing Club for the duration of the course/event and will adhere to the QMSC Bye-laws, Safety Policy and Code of Conduct (link to these documents below).
Link to club documents