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Cat Sailing

Cats and Kites (3-Day Course)

3 day course from 0930 to 1630 each day. Aim of going faster than all the other boats on the water! Sailing in catamarans and dinghies with asymmetric spinnakers over Wednesday - Friday.


y Sailing p3

Improver Sailing (8-15yrs): Stages 3 (3-day course)

3 day course, 0930 to 1630 in Picos or Qubas

Build on the skills you learned your stage 2 skills progressing towards stage 3.

Sailing independently for the first time.


y Sailing p1

Learn to Sail (10-15yrs): Stage 1 (3-day course)

3 day course,  from 0930 to 1630 

A fun and action-packed introduction to the exciting sport of dinghy sailing

Work towards RYA Stage 1


Learn to sail 8 11 P3

Learn to Sail (8-11yrs): Stage 1 (3-day course)

3 day course, 0930 to 1630

A fun and action-packed introduction to the sport of dinghy sailing

Work towards RYA Stage 1


Learn to sail 11 15

Next Steps Sailing (10-15Yrs): Stage 2 (3-day course)

Our Next Steps Sailing course is structured around the RYA Stage 2 syllabus where you will look at sailing single handed dinghies in many different directions!  This course is designed for those who have already achieved their RYA Stage 1 and would like to work towards finishing RYA Stage 2. 


Learn to sail 8 11 P4

Next Steps Sailing (8-11yrs): Stage 2 (3-day course)

Our Next Steps Sailing course is structured around the RYA Stage 2 syllabus where you will look at sailing single handed and in many different directions!  This course runs over 3 full days 09:30 - 16:30. This course is aimed at those with RYA Stage 1 looking to work towards RYA Stage 2.


y Stage 4

Sailing Competence: Stage 4 (3-day course)

3 day course, 0930 to 1630 

Learn double-hander skills as both helm and crew.

Work towards RYA Stage 4


Youth Windsurfing 4

Improver Windsurfing (9-15yrs): Stages 3/4 (3-day course)

3 day course, 0930 to 1630 

Progressing towards RYA Stage 3 or 4

RYA Fastforward Formula: Vision, Trim, Balance, Power, Stance


Youth Windsurfing

Learn to Windsurf (9-15yrs): Stages 1 (3-day course)

3 day course from Wednesday to Friday, 0930 to 1630

A fun and action-packed introduction to the sport of windsurfing

Work towards RYA Stage 1 & 2


1 9

Next Steps Windsurfing (9-15yrs): Stage 2 (3-day course)

Next Steps windsurfing follows the RYA Stage 2 syllabus and aims to get you windsurfing upwind and downwind, as well as looking at tacking and gybing to make you a more competent windsurfer. You must have completed your Stage 1 windsurfing course and be looking to work towards RYA Stage 2. This course runs over 3 full days: 09:30 - 16:30.


Multi activity waterfun

Multi Activity (10-15yrs): Waterfun (3-day course)

3 day action packed activity course from 0930 to 1630. Sailing, windsurfing, kayaking, stand-up paddleboarding, and team games.


Multi activity splash

Multi Activity (7-10yrs): Splash (3-day course)

3 day activity week from 0930 to 1630. Action packed with sailing, kayaking, stand up paddleboarding, treasure hunts and games

Time permitting, an expedition may be arranged to seek out the sea badger......



Welcome to our quick links page for our 3 days courses running during the Summer and Autumn Half Terms and last week of the Summer Holidays (29th to 31st August).