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Welcome to Property Construction Yacht Club's Keelboat Day - Friday 20th September, 2024. 

"A great opportunity for keelboat sailing with fleet racing; we hope to deliver in the late September sun! The day is designed for all levels of sailors with RYA keelboat instructor support from the Queen Mary Sailing Club team.


  • 09:15 Bacon butties, tea and coffee to start.
  • 09:45 The day begins with a group welcome and safety briefing the group will split into crews for sailing.
  • 10:00 Changed and ready to go afloat you will join your boat for an orientation, shown the ropes, and then an on-water coaching session in the morning. When teams are ready, we will run practice races up to the lunch break.
  • 12:00 Return to shore for Lunch
  • 12:30 Packed lunch at the clubhouse.
  • 13:30 Briefing, then back out on water for an afternoon series of sprint races
  • 15:30 The final race of the day sailing boats back to mornings.
  • 16:30 Prize giving … The winners on the podium!
  • 17:00 Barbecue with first drink included, social by the water.

Price: £155 per person (Includes Bacon/Vegan bap, tea, coffee, packed lunch and barbecue with first drink)

Please book following link at the bottom of this page.


Property Construction Discover Sailing Day 1

This event is for members of PCYacht.Club for details on membership click here


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PCYC logo 1

PCYacht.Club. Keelboat Day

The Property Construction Yacht Club Keelboat Day - A day sailing and racing keelboats designed for the seasoned racer and those new to sailing. Breakfast, Lunch and Barbecue, with first drink at the bar all included. 

This event is for members of PCYacht.Club.
