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Welcome to the RS400 Fleet at QMSC

The RS400 is a high performance double-handed asymmetric boat that is ideal for sailing at Queen Mary. It is competitive in light winds and an exciting and exhilarating sail in a strong breeze.

We have a competitive fleet racing at Queen Mary - at all different levels, from people just beginning to race as well as crews that are competitive at National Level. New members are made to feel really welcome and enjoy being part of our friendly and helpful fleet.
Many crews like to attend Open Meetings as well as National and Euro-Cup Events and are always keen to encourage other members to join the fun!
There are also regular social events for crews and partners. 

Training and Open Meetings at QMSC

We aim to host at least one Training Event and an Open Meeting at Queen Mary every year, open to both club members and visiting sailors.

The RS Spring Championships are being held at QMSC on Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th March 2025. For further information please click on the Open Racing events page.  

RS400 Gold Series

The RS400 Gold Series is back for 2025. Dates are below and encourage as many of our RS400 fleet to join us for these races. Spot prizes may be awarded after each day's racing as an extra incentive and there's the RS400 Gold Cup to award to the overall winners at the Christmas Prize-giving lunch.

Visiting Sailors are most welcome to join for these dates by paying the RS400 Non-Members Entry fee below and signing up for the series you are entering. Notice of Series to be read in conjunction with the relevant Club Race Sunday Series NOR and SIs

RS400 Gold Cup Series dates for 2025:

Sunday 9th March - Spring Series

Sunday 13th April - Spring Series

Sunday 11th May - Spring Series

Sunday 8th June - Summer Series

Sunday 13th July - Summer Series

Sunday 10th August - August Series

Sunday 14th September - Autumn Series

Sunday 12th October - Autumn Series 

Keeping in touch

Our main way of sending news to the fleet is via our email group. Here the weekly sailing reports are posted as well as other useful information. Email the Club Office and the Team will get you on the list!
There is an RS400 Facebook group
We also have a QM RS400 group
The Class Association is available here. You need to join if you want to race at Open Meetings, but Club membership provides discounts and information at a reduced fee.


RS400 Series Non-Member Entry Fee

RS400 Series Non-Member Entry Fee is a half price day sail for non-members wishing to take part in the RS400 Gold Series 2025, which includes Club Race on the day. There are specific series dates throughout the year, which can be found on the RS400 fleet page.
