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Welcome to the RS800 Fleet at QMSC

The RS800 is a high-performance double trapeze asymmetric boat and Queen Mary provides a great training and racing ground, free from too many waves, to get to grips with this thrilling boat. It is particularly competitive in club racing in 10-15 knots, and extremely fun to sail in a strong breeze.

We have a great group of RS800 sailors at Queen Mary, including those very new to the class as well as those with many years' experience, who race both nationally and internationally. We have a WhatsApp group to organise sailing together, crew swaps and sailing tips. We are very welcoming and are always keen for new people to join the fleet. We appreciate buying a boat can be a big commitment and are always available for 'try a boat' session for those who may be interested.

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RS800 Development Days

This is a great opportunity to meet the fleet, join in with the club racing (2x very well organised races with first start at 10:30), test your skills against fellow RS800 sailors and debrief together over a fab lunch (thanks to the new caterers!). We look forward to seeing lots of new and old faces. We will meet for a short debrief at 9:30am.

Visiting Sailors are most welcome to join for these dates by paying the RS800 Development Day Entry Fee below and signing up for the races you are entering in the relevant series here

Keeping in touch

Our main way of sending news to the fleet is via our email group. Here the weekly sailing reports are posted as well as other useful information. Email the Club Office at and the team will get you on the list!

The Class Association is available here. You need to join if you want to race at Open Meetings, but Club membership provides discounts and information at a reduced fee: New_Club_Membership.pdf (

RS800 Product Pic

RS800 Development Day Non-Member Entry Fee

RS800 Development Day Non-Member Entry Fee is a half price day sail for non-members wishing to take part in the RS800 Development Day, which includes Club Race on the day. There are specific Development Day dates throughout the year, which can be found on the RS800 fleet page.

