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Ahoy there! You have found your sea legs gaining RYA Stage 2 pr RYA Stage 3 and you’re on your way to becoming a salty sea-dog! Aqua Foxes is a session for young people who love getting on the water. The focus is for all participants to get out on the water and play around in boats. After all, that’s what sailing is all about!


Aqua Foxes

Taking place on Saturday mornings between 10:00 - 12:30, Aqua Foxes is a great way to put the skills you've gained so far into practice and make some new sailing mates along the way! Our instructor team will lead the sessions, making sure you improve your sailing through lots of fun exercises and games! It's our best session for social sailing. Furthermore, The Aqua Foxes is a fantastic way to keep your skills sharp and help you to get ready for your next course.

Dinghies typically used will be Fusions or picos.

A typical session will start at 10:00 (please be changed and ready to go!) where the instructor will brief you on the session's focus and what games you'll be playing! The sessions will include both on shore and on water elements.

How to book:

Join as a select member

This option is for you if you are at RYA Stage 2 or above and want access to all the activities listed below and we'll also chuck in boat hire outside of the sessions. A great option to start progressing in either general sailing or racing.

Cost: £38.50 per month all inclusive

Click here to find out how to join!

Book as a non-member

It is possible to book as a non-member at the prices listed below, however, the cost of one session is equivalent to the monthly cost of joining as a member. Therefore, we hope you'll join us as a member to gain access to all activities and make good use of the club facilities.

Youth Group 1

Aqua Foxes (Sailing Stage 2+)

Aqua Foxes is a fun, social opportunity for those aged 8-15 with RYA Stage 2 or above to get on the water with other young members. Gain confidence on the water & meet other Youth members. Runs from Easter to October Half Term - weekly in term time. Saturday mornings.
