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QM Race Squad

Ahoy there! Have you already developed a passion for racing? Perhaps from attending Ospreys? Have you already been attending club race and would like some specialist coaching? This is for you!

QM Race Squad takes place one full Sunday every four weeks, running from 09:30 - 16:30. The squad is aimed at progressing your racing skills and will always be run by one of our specialist racing instructors. Sessions will include on-water skills and off-water theory to extend your sailing knowledge. Learn how to really sail well around a race course.

These sessions are designed for those who have attended ospreys and have been recommended to move up to QM Race Squad, or for those who are already taking part in Club race or Rookie Racing and would like some specialist coaching.

Qm Race Squad forms the perfect package to get into racing accompanied by the below support.

Club Race Introductory Training

As a member of QM Race Squad, you can also book onto our club race introductory training. This provides a briefing and debrief around club race, making it easier to gain more out of it and improve quicker.

These sessions run once every four weeks and are offset from QM Race Squad. They are both designed to go hand in hand to get you out racing at a high level.

Event Support

As a member of QM Race Squad we will provide support at a number of events:

  • NSSA: A national schools event to be held at Draycote 19th - 23rd July
  • RYA Regional Junior Championships: A regional event which provides entrance into RYA regional squads. A great opportunity to progress in racing running at QMSC on 17/18th June 2023 and suitable for all youth members with Stage 2+
  • QM Youth Open: A youth open run by QMSC - date TBC

How to book:

Join as a select member

This option is for you if you are at RYA Stage 2 or above and want access to all the activities listed below and we'll also chuck in boat hire outside of the sessions. A great option to start progressing in either general sailing or racing.

Cost: £38.50 per month all inclusive

Click here to find out how to join!

Join as a Standard Junior member

Have you already got your own boat? You'll want to join us as a standard member, but you can also pay a small premium to get full access to all the below activities - an easy way to make friends and sail with like minded kids.

Click here to find out how to join with your own boat!

Book as a non-member

It is possible to book as a non-member at the prices listed below, however, the cost of one session is equivalent to the monthly cost of joining as a member. Therefore, we hope you'll join us as a member to gain access to all activities and make good use of the club facilities.

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Club Race Introductory Coaching

Club Race can be a daunting prospect for people new to the racing scene. Sailors who book onto this session will receive an introductory briefing from one of the Safety Team on objectives for the day’s racing as well as a debrief afterwards with any introductory coaching points noted whilst racing. This session is ideal for those sailors relatively new to club racing who would like some extra guidance in how to progress up the fleet.  Free for all members!


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QM Race Squad

Join QM's Race Squad! Meeting once every four weeks, this squad will give you extensive race training experience as well as meeting like-minded people. Please come with a boat in mind you would like to use: Topper, Tera, RS Feva or Laser. Squad jackets available. From Easter to October half term, runs once fortnightly in term time. During winter, runs once per month. Please contact the office to discuss suitability for this squad. Join as a youth select member to get it included for free. Options also available for standard members so do get in touch.
