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Race Training

Welcome to youth race training at Queen Mary

Topper and RS Tera Race Training Week Summer 2019 

Topper and RS Tera Race Training Week 2022     

What is it?

This year we are offering a new training week aimed at experienced sailors aged between 11 and 18. This is for Topper and RS Tera sailors who are already involved in a race circuit. Those who want to fine-tune their racing level and looking to regional and national sailing squads. The week is coached by Ben Kimbell.

This is a race week predominantly aimed at those with access to their own boat looking at race tactics covering: boat tuning, starts, upwind tactics, mark rounding, downwind tactics, boat handling, personal preparation and fitness, and improved wind awareness. 

Who is Ben Kimbell?
Ben Kimbell is a past Queen Mary staff member who joined the RYA as a Sailing Development Officer for London and the South East. 

Ideally all participants need to be:

  • Involved in a form of race series, like club racing or youth series
  • Have access to their own boat


  • 19th to 23rd August - Topper and RS Tera


Timings & what to expect

  • The training weeks will run Monday-Friday 0930-1630 on the dates listed above.
  • Boats need to be partially rigged ready for the day's briefing which begins promptly at 0930
  • A mixture of land-based theory/drills and on-water practical sessions
  • Note - non members can store their boat at QM during July and August. 


The 5 day training is £195 for non-members, a 20% discount for members.  

Talk to our team >> Call the club on 01784 248881 |